Wednesday, July 23, 2008

“Real-world” Grammar Examples: Parallelism

I think that the writers of both examples felt that they had already related their meaning and did not consider that using parallelism would make their writing stronger. 

1. The Crocker Science House should have put an "in" in between "and" & "4" like so: "The Crocker House accommodates 12 student residents in 4 double rooms and [in] 4 single rooms." I think that they didn't feel it was necessary to repeat "in" - that the previous "in" covered both phrases.

2. I think Peers Educating to End Rape thought that their meaning was clear without adding "you can" before their list like so: "Get involved with our group. [You can:]..." This addition makes the entire list tie together. Then they should take the website address and put it at the bottom or the top of the page because it does not belong with this list.

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